Manga Jitenshaya-san no Takahashi-kun, by the mangaka Arare Matsumushi, will have a live-action series adaptation that will premiere on November 3

2 years ago
It has been announced that the manga Jitenshaya-san no Takahashi-kun, by the mangaka Arare Matsumushi, will have a live-action series adaptation that will premiere on November 3. Netflix will air a "director's cut" edition of the series, with its episodes airing a week after it premiered on TV.
-Nobuyuki Suzuki will play the role of Ryouhei Takahashi
-Rio Uchida will play the role of Tomoko Hanno
-Reiya Masaki will play the role of Masaya Shimizu
-Mijika Nagai will play the role of Kimiko Satou
-Leiya Seguchi will play the role of Kouki Yamamoto
-Rio Teramoto will play the role of Sayuri Kawamura
-Fumiya Kimura will play the role of Teruyuki Miwa
-Mari Hamada will play the role of Satoko Iino
-Shigeru Saiki will play the role of Souji Takahashi

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