Shueisha will publish a new seasonal magazine called Bentame Jump

2 years ago
In issue #14 of Weekly Shounen Jump magazine, it has been announced that Shueisha will publish a new seasonal magazine called Bentame Jump, with its first issue called "Bentame Jump SPRING 2023" which will go on sale this April 1st.
This magazine will be aimed at primary and secondary school students and will include works by the following mangaka:
-Karada no Fushigi from the mangaka Boichi
-Pyramid no Himitsu from the mangaka Ryuuhei Tamura
-Kantan Recipe from the mangaka Taishi Tsutsui
-YouTube Kyoushitsu from the mangaka Tomohiro Hasegawa
-Inu to Eigo from the mangaka Haruichi Furudate
Shueisha has previously pulled a similar prank by releasing a digital magazine with special one-shots that was only one issue, so we'll see if this ends up being a one-issue prank or if it ends up being a seasonally published magazine.

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