The anime adaptation of the Inu ni Nattara Suki na Hito ni Hirowareta manga.

2 years ago
The official website for the anime adaptation of the Inu ni Nattara Suki na Hito ni Hirowareta manga. has revealed his second promotional image. Along with this, it was revealed that the opening theme, titled "Gyakkou☆Fuwaku☆Fraction", will be sung by 15 different singers: Miyuki Hashimoto, Yui Sakakibara, and Rita will be the main vocals, while AiRI, Ayumi., Rekka Katakiri, Yumi Kawamura. , Sayaka Sasaki, Duca, Mitsuki Nakae, Nomico, Aki Misato, yozuca*, rino, and riya will perform the chorus.
This series produced by Quad will premiere on January 7 next year.

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