It has been announced that the Tsuyokute New Saga novel series, written by Masayuki Abe and illustrated by Ryuuta Fuse, is getting an anime adaptation that will premiere in July. The anime will be directed by Norikazu Ishigooka under Sotsu Co., Ltd., Makaria, and Yokohama Animation Lab. The script is by Kenta Ihara and the character designer is by Nilitsu with Atsushi Asahi credited as character designer. Shachou and Hironori Anazawa will compose the music. In the cast will be: Yuuma Uchida as Kyle Hiro Shimono as Seran Fairouz Ai as Lise Asami Seto as Urza Minami Takahashi as Sildonia
The Tsuyokute New Saga novel series, written by Masayuki Abe and illustrated by Ryuuta Fuse, is getting an anime adaptation that will premiere in July.