The television anime adaptation of Ikinokoru Tame ni Ayumu Michi’s Seija Musou

2 years ago
The official website for the television anime adaptation of Ikinokoru Tame ni Ayumu Michi's Seija Musou: Salaryman, Isekai light novel series, written by Broccoli Lion and illustrated by Sime, posted a teaser image, revealed its voice cast. , staff, and has announced that the anime will premiere in July.
The anime will be directed by Masato Tamagawa under Yokohama Animation Lab and Cloud Hearts studios. The series composition will be in charge of Keiichirou Oochi and Guonian Wang will be the one who designs the characters.
In the cast will be:
Reiji Kawashima as Luciel.
Akio Ohtsuka as Brod.
Tomoaki Maeno as Grulga
Daisuke Ono as Galva.

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